ENGLISH-Japanese Dictionary
- 「英→日」対照・名言ことわざ辞典 -
When it is dark enough...
―QUOTE from a person born TODAY in history―

(→ QUOTE in Japanese / PERSON)
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▼ 本辞書ok312.com版)に待望の全面改訂新版、 ▼
Words of Wisdom OK312: 英日対照・名言ことわざ辞典++
▲ (ok312.net版)が誕生! 毎日更新、増補中!! ▲

 HOW TO  USE:  (→ in Japanese)
Point to any sentence in the following pages (except "Change & Rest") to see the closest matching expression or translation displayed in a tool tip [a tiny popup window] and on the status bar.

Click to go to the page on which the equivalent appear.

"PageDown" (or "Space"), "PageUp" (or "Shift" + "Space"), "End", and "Home".
When browsing around in a rather long page, it is convenient if you use these keys on your keyboard. (Make sure that the main frame of the window is active before you press them.)

A( 94) B( 86) C( 56) D( 75) E( 82) F( 51) G( 59)
Change & Rest: A-G[ 29]

H( 78) I(202) J(  6) K( 14) L( 88) M( 92) N( 93)
Change & Rest: H-N[ 45]

O( 83) P( 50) Q(  2) R( 28) S( 83) T(173) U(  4)
Change & Rest: O-U[ 31]

V(  7) W(143) X(  1) Y( 56) Z(  1)
Change & Rest: V-Z[ 17]

When wondering where to go, press this button: (1,707)+[122]
|List of Names (entered in this dictionary)|


▼ 本辞書ok312.com版)に待望の全面改訂新版、 ▼
Words of Wisdom OK312: 英日対照・名言ことわざ辞典++
▲ (ok312.net版)が誕生! 毎日更新、増補中!! ▲

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Words of Wisdom OK312: 「英⇔日」対照・名言ことわざ辞典

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